
Belem - Jorge Mateus Santos bus station

Belem - Jorge Mateus Santos bus station

Located on the mouth of the Amazon River (Brazil), by the southern shores of the Marajò Bay and 140 kilometers far from the Atlantic Ocean, Belém is the capital of the State of Pará.  40% of its residents live in slums.

Strolling around the streets of Belém, you will be immediately impressed by its decadent charm. Take a walk through its dirty and muddy roads, you’ll notice long rows of two-storey brick houses armored with iron bars next to crumbling wooden shacks.

Rotten Trips definitely recommends you to visit Palo Central, the main street of Guamà.

This neighborhood is considered to be the most violent as well as the biggest favela of Belém. Local authorities have blacklisted the area as “Vermelha zone”, which means in Portuguese the “Red zone”.

The “Che Guevara” favela is well worth a visit too. It was established in 1997 by a few hundred people, driven by socialist ideals, who occupied some lands in the area of Marituba, a municipality in the metropolitan area of Belém.

You should also check out the Tira Firme, a bohemien favela made of real stilt houses planted in the river. Rotten Trips team recommends you to head to the lousiest bars of the Tira Firme favela. Once there, just relax and sip some of the best artisanal cachaca in town, while enjoying a splendid sunset over the Amazon River.